1: Find a hobby you can do in bed, it'll make you feel like you're accomplishing something. This year, my best friend taught me to knit! Some days my hands are shaking too much to do so or arthritis just makes it hard to do the moves, but any day I can I feel like I'm doing more than nothing with knitting. I'm creating something special I can give others!

2: Have something that brings you hope, also books to read. I'm terrible about reading too many books at once, really, I'm reading like 3 at once. I'd say the most important staples near me are my Bible and my journal. The journal is a simple christian journal with biblical quotes on each page from Walmart, I use it for reflection and for work-books of kindle books (girls gone wise, divine design 101, etc). *the paper sticking out of Fallen is the list of good qualities about my partner the love dare had me write, I told y'all I read too many books at once

3: Something to help you feel "girlie" (or manly if that applies). For me that means nails done, hair done pretty/etc. It's just something small that makes me feel "human", even if I'm stuck inside.

4: All your meds right at your finger tips, few things are worse than having to get up and go on a scavenger hunt for what you need. Keep the near, cuddle with them if you have to, whatever makes YOU comfortable.

5: Marathon shows; it can seem silly, but immersing yourself in a story can really help the time pass. Some of my favorites have been
Orphan Black
Switched at Birth
The Walking Dead
Gilmore Girls
and of course my always go-to-when-Im-sick movie is Rebecca!
I want to do all this stuff to survive depression.